Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Skip it/See it/Savor it: We begin with boots

I'm pleased to announce the beginning of something lovely that will be happening on this blog, generally on that splendid day of Tuesday, which is also discount night at the dollar theater. I call it Skip it/See it/Savor it.

Here's how it works: 1) I make the general assumption that like me you are too poor to see movies very often before they hit the dollar theater and that you often use the dollar theater and RedBox to compensate for that. 2) I go see a movie from one of those locations. And 3) I give you my reccomendation based on the most important factors. Keep in mind that these recommendations are based on the idea that you're only going to spend a dollar. Let's give it a go.

The film: Puss n' Boots

The story: I've never made it through any of the Shrek movies. They don't appeal to me.  So, I was hesitant to give this movie a shot. But surprisingly Byron, Puss n' Boots satisfied my need for entertainment, a bit of laughter, and just enough real meat to think on. 

What's it got to do with loving and being loved: Friends are worth having, even when they don't always come through. In the end, real love and friendship do bring good things.

The verdict: Savor it, despite its rough edges. This film is worth seeing and worth enjoying.

Concerned about cleanliness: I'll direct you to Parent Previews here for their content advisory, but mostly I'd say it's manageable.

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